Secrets in manufactures are capable of being longer kept than secrets in trade.
 Adam Smith, The Wealth of Nations (1776). copy citation

Author Adam Smith
Source The Wealth of Nations
Topic trade secret
Date 1776
Language English
Reference An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations


“If the market is at a great distance from the residence of those who supply it, they may sometimes be able to keep the secret for several years together, and may so long enjoy their extraordinary profits without any new rivals. Secrets of this kind, however, it must be acknowledged, can seldom be long kept; and the extraordinary profit can last very little longer than they are kept. Secrets in manufactures are capable of being longer kept than secrets in trade. A dyer who has found the means of producing a particular colour with materials which cost only half the price of those commonly made use of, may, with good management, enjoy the advantage of his discovery as long as he lives, and even leave it as a legacy to his posterity.” source