As man cannot deceive the loved one, he does not fear or frighten him or her. Gift of life is the greatest of all gifts
 Mahatma Gandhi, Third Class in Indian railways (1917). copy citation

Author Mahatma Gandhi
Source Third Class in Indian railways
Topic fear life
Date 1917
Language English


“If I am a follower of Ahimsa, I must love my enemy. I must apply the same rules to the wrong-doer who is my enemy or a stranger to me, as I would to my wrong-doing father or son. This active Ahimsa necessarily includes truth and fearlessness. As man cannot deceive the loved one, he does not fear or frighten him or her. Gift of life is the greatest of all gifts; a man who gives it in reality, disarms all hostility. He has paved the way for an honourable understanding. And none who is himself subject to fear can bestow that gift. He must, therefore, be himself fearless.” source