We never ought to allow our instincts of justice to degenerate into mere vindictiveness.
 Jerome K. Jerome, Three Men in a Boat (1889). copy citation

Author Jerome K. Jerome
Source Three Men in a Boat
Topic justice instinct
Date 1889
Language English
Weblink http://www.gutenberg.org/files/308/308-h/308-h.htm


“This seemed to me to be going too far, and I said so to Harris; but he answered: “Not a bit of it. Serve ’em all jolly well right, and I’d go and sing comic songs on the ruins.” I was vexed to hear Harris go on in this blood-thirsty strain. We never ought to allow our instincts of justice to degenerate into mere vindictiveness. It was a long while before I could get Harris to take a more Christian view of the subject, but I succeeded at last, and he promised me that he would spare the friends and relations at all events, and would not sing comic songs on the ruins.” source