Quote of the day
Three Men in a Boat quotes
Jerome K. Jerome
“Let your boat of life be light, packed with only what you need—a homely home and simple pleasures, one or two friends, worth the name, someone to love and someone to love you, a cat, a dog, and a pipe or two, enough to eat and enough to wear,...”
Jerome K. Jerome
Three Men in a Boat
“People who have tried it, tell me that a clear conscience makes you very happy and contented; but a full stomach does the business quite as well, and is cheaper, and more easily obtained.”
Jerome K. Jerome
Three Men in a Boat
“It always does seem to me that I am doing more work than I should do. It is not that I object to the work, mind you; I like work: it fascinates me. I can sit and look at it for hours. I love to keep it by me: the idea of getting rid of it nearly...”
Jerome K. Jerome
Three Men in a Boat
“I can’t sit still and see another man slaving and working. I want to get up and superintend, and walk round with my hands in my pockets, and tell him what to do.”
Jerome K. Jerome
Three Men in a Boat
“We told each other that Nature was beautiful, even in her tears.”
Jerome K. Jerome
Three Men in a Boat
“But who wants to be foretold the weather? It is bad enough when it comes, without our having the misery of knowing about it beforehand.”
Jerome K. Jerome
Three Men in a Boat
“The greatest minds never realise their ideals in any matter;”
Jerome K. Jerome
Three Men in a Boat
“And we would all try to do it in our heads, and all arrive at different results, and sneer at one another.”
Jerome K. Jerome
Three Men in a Boat
“If he were a man of strong mind, it only gave him fits; but a person of mere average intellect it usually sent mad.”
Jerome K. Jerome
Three Men in a Boat
“He said it made him feel that life was not an idle dream to be gaped and yawned through, but a noble task, full of duty and stern work.”
Jerome K. Jerome
Three Men in a Boat
“What the eye does not see, the stomach does not get upset over.”
Jerome K. Jerome
Three Men in a Boat
“the less taste a person has in dress, the more obstinate he always seems to be.”
Jerome K. Jerome
Three Men in a Boat
“the sight of another man asleep in bed when I am up, maddens me. It seems to me so shocking to see the precious hours of a man’s life—the priceless moments that will never come back to him again—being wasted in mere brutish sleep.”
Jerome K. Jerome
Three Men in a Boat
“this world is only a probation, and man was born to trouble as the sparks fly upward.”
Jerome K. Jerome
Three Men in a Boat
“I plodded conscientiously through the twenty-six letters, and the only malady I could conclude I had not got was housemaid’s knee.”
Jerome K. Jerome
Three Men in a Boat
“Six shillings a week does not keep body and soul together very unitedly. They want to get away from each other when there is only such a very slight bond as that between them”
Jerome K. Jerome
Three Men in a Boat
“It takes three girls to tow always; two hold the rope, and the other one runs round and round, and giggles.”
Jerome K. Jerome
Three Men in a Boat
“I notice that people always make gigantic arrangements for bathing when they are going anywhere near the water, but that they don’t bathe much when they are there.”
Jerome K. Jerome
Three Men in a Boat
“In a boat, I have always noticed that it is the fixed idea of each member of the crew that he is doing everything.”
Jerome K. Jerome
Three Men in a Boat
“The chief beauty of this book lies not so much in its literary style, or in the extent and usefulness of the information it conveys, as in its simple truthfulness.”
Jerome K. Jerome
Three Men in a Boat
“Such is life; and we are but as grass that is cut down, and put into the oven and baked.”
Jerome K. Jerome
Three Men in a Boat
“We must not think of the things we could do with, but only of the things that we can’t do without.”
Jerome K. Jerome
Three Men in a Boat
“It must have been worth while having a mere ordinary plague now and then in London to get rid of both the lawyers and the Parliament.”
Jerome K. Jerome
Three Men in a Boat
“Let us gather together in the great cities, and light huge bonfires of a million gas-jets, and shout and sing together, and feel brave.”
Jerome K. Jerome
Three Men in a Boat
“Sunlight is the life-blood of Nature. Mother Earth looks at us with such dull, soulless eyes, when the sunlight has died away from out of her.”
Jerome K. Jerome
Three Men in a Boat
“That's Harris all over—so ready to take the burden of everything himself, and put it on the backs of other people.”
Jerome K. Jerome
Three Men in a Boat
“It is a most extraordinary thing, but I never read a patent medicine advertisement without being impelled to the conclusion that I am suffering from the particular disease therein dealt with in its most virulent form.”
Jerome K. Jerome
Three Men in a Boat
“The mildest tempered people, when on land, become violent and blood-thirsty when in a boat.”
Jerome K. Jerome
Three Men in a Boat
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