To be in anger is impiety;
But who is man that is not angry?
 William Shakespeare, Timon of Athens (1623). copy citation

Author William Shakespeare
Source Timon of Athens
Topic anger
Date 1623
Language English
Note Written between 1605 and 1606


“If wisdom be in suffering. O my lords, As you are great, be pitifully good: Who cannot condemn rashness in cold blood? To kill, I grant, is sin's extremest gust; But, in defence, by mercy, 'tis most just. To be in anger is impiety; But who is man that is not angry? Weigh but the crime with this. Second Senator You breathe in vain. ALCIBIADES In vain! his service done At Lacedaemon and Byzantium Were a sufficient briber for his life. First Senator What's that?” source