But we worldly men Have miserable, mad, mistaking eyes.
 William Shakespeare, Titus Andronicus (1594). copy citation

Author William Shakespeare
Source Titus Andronicus
Topic mistake eyes
Date 1594
Language English
Note Written between 1591 and 1592
Weblink http://www.gutenberg.org/cache/epub/1106/pg1106.html


“Are they thy ministers? What are they call'd? TAMORA. Rape and Murder; therefore called so 'Cause they take vengeance of such kind of men. TITUS. Good Lord, how like the Empress' sons they are! And you the Empress! But we worldly men Have miserable, mad, mistaking eyes. O sweet Revenge, now do I come to thee; And, if one arm's embracement will content thee, I will embrace thee in it by and by. TAMORA. This closing with him fits his lunacy. Whate'er I forge to feed his brain-sick humours, Do you uphold and maintain in your speeches, For now he firmly takes me for Revenge;” source