Everybody knows how they go to work, and the strongest man has his moments of weakness before pain.
 Joseph Conrad, Under Western Eyes (1911). copy citation

Author Joseph Conrad
Source Under Western Eyes
Topic weakness pain
Date 1911
Language English
Weblink http://www.gutenberg.org/files/2480/2480-h/2480-h.htm


“He ought to have trusted in his political friends when he came out of prison. He had been liked and respected before, and nobody would have dreamed of reproaching him with his indiscretion before the police. Everybody knows how they go to work, and the strongest man has his moments of weakness before pain. Why, even hunger alone is enough to give one queer ideas as to what may be done. A doctor came, our lot was alleviated as far as physical comforts go, but otherwise he could not be consoled—poor man.” source