Why should a man certain of immortality think of his life at all?
 Joseph Conrad, Under Western Eyes (1911). copy citation

Author Joseph Conrad
Source Under Western Eyes
Topic immortality life
Date 1911
Language English
Weblink http://www.gutenberg.org/files/2480/2480-h/2480-h.htm


“The dame de compagnie mused for a while in the doorway. “Did I hear? Of course, everything is discussed here. Has not all the world been speaking about your brother? For my part, the mere mention of his achievement plunges me into an envious ecstasy. Why should a man certain of immortality think of his life at all?” She kept her back turned to Miss Haldin. Upstairs from behind a great dingy white and gold door, visible behind the balustrade of the first floor landing, a deep voice began to drone formally, as if reading over notes or something of the sort.” source