If there is a God and future life, there is truth and good, and man’s highest happiness consists in striving to attain them.
 Leo Tolstoy, War and Peace (1869). copy citation

Author Leo Tolstoy
Source War and Peace
Topic happiness truth
Date 1869
Language English
Note Translated by Louise and Aylmer Maude
Weblink http://www.gutenberg.org/files/2600/2600-h/2600-h.htm


“The sun had sunk half below the horizon and an evening frost was starring the puddles near the ferry, but Pierre and Andrew, to the astonishment of the footmen, coachmen, and ferrymen, still stood on the raft and talked. “If there is a God and future life, there is truth and good, and man’s highest happiness consists in striving to attain them. We must live, we must love, and we must believe that we live not only today on this scrap of earth, but have lived and shall live forever, there, in the Whole,” said Pierre, and he pointed to the sky.” source