That which in mean men we entitle patience is pale cold cowardice in noble breasts.
 William Shakespeare, Richard II (1595). copy citation

Author William Shakespeare
Source Richard II
Topic cowardice bravery restraint
Date 1595
Language English


“Who was the model of thy father's life. Call it not patience, Gaunt-it is despair; In suff'ring thus thy brother to be slaught'red, Thou showest the naked pathway to thy life, Teaching stern murder how to butcher thee. That which in mean men we entitle patience Is pale cold cowardice in noble breasts. What shall I say? To safeguard thine own life
The best way is to venge my Gloucester's death. GAUNT. God's is the quarrel; for God's substitute,
His deputy anointed in His sight, Hath caus'd his death; the which if wrongfully,” source

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