I am glad I was up so late, for that's the reason I was up so early.
 William Shakespeare, Cymbeline (1623). copy citation

Author William Shakespeare
Source Cymbeline
Topic time getting up
Date 1623
Language English
Note Written between 1609 and 1611
Weblink http://www.gutenberg.org/cache/epub/1133/pg1133-images.html


“horsehairs and calves' guts, nor the voice of unpaved eunuch TO boot, can never amend. Exeunt musicians
Enter CYMBELINE and QUEEN SECOND LORD. Here comes the King.
CLOTEN. I am glad I was up so late, for that's the reason I was
up so early. He cannot choose but take this service I have done
fatherly.- Good morrow to your Majesty and to my gracious
Mother. CYMBELINE.” source

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