O, full of scorpions is my mind, dear wife!
 William Shakespeare, Macbeth (1623). copy citation

Author William Shakespeare
Source Macbeth
Topic mind paranoia scorpion
Date 1623
Language English
Reference The Tragedy of Macbeth, Act III, Scene 2
Note Written between 1599 and 1606 Macbeth line
Weblink http://www.gutenberg.org/cache/epub/2264/pg2264-images.html


“Present him Eminence, both with Eye and Tongue: Vnsafe the while, that wee must laue Our Honors in these flattering streames, And make our Faces Vizards to our Hearts, Disguising what they are Lady. You must leaue this
Macb. O, full of Scorpions is my Minde, deare Wife:
Thou know'st, that Banquo and his Fleans liues Lady. But in them, Natures Coppie's not eterne
Macb. There's comfort yet, they are assaileable,
Then be thou iocund: ere the Bat hath flowne His Cloyster'd flight, ere to black Heccats summons” source

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