You concede nothing to me and I have to concede everything to you.
 Thomas Hardy, Jude the Obscure (1895). copy citation

Author Thomas Hardy
Source Jude the Obscure
Topic relationship unfairness concession
Date 1895
Language English


“And I shall never forget it, never!"
"But by your own wish, dear Sue, we are only to be friends, not lovers! It is so very inconsistent of you to—"
"Friends can be jealous!"
"I don't see that. You concede nothing to me and I have to concede everything to you. After all, you were on good terms with your husband at that time."
"No, I wasn't, Jude. Oh how can you think so! And you have taken me in, even if you didn't intend to." She was so mortified that he was obliged to take her into her room and close the door lest the people should hear.” source

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