Women only know how to wound so. There is a poison on the tips of their little shafts, which stings a thousand times more than a man's blunter weapon.
 William Makepeace Thackeray, Vanity Fair (1847). copy citation

Author William Makepeace Thackeray
Source Vanity Fair
Topic men women hurting
Date 1847
Language English
Weblink https://www.gutenberg.org/files/599/599-h/599-h.htm


“Where have you been, wretch? Here is Emmy crying her eyes out for you. Are you coming to fetch me for the quadrille?" And she left her bouquet and shawl by Amelia's side, and tripped off with George to dance. Women only know how to wound so. There is a poison on the tips of their little shafts, which stings a thousand times more than a man's blunter weapon. Our poor Emmy, who had never hated, never sneered all her life, was powerless in the hands of her remorseless little enemy.
George danced with Rebecca twice or thrice—how many times Amelia scarcely knew.” source

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