A table full of welcome makes scarce one dainty dish.
 William Shakespeare, The Comedy of Errors (1623). copy citation

Author William Shakespeare
Source The Comedy of Errors
Topic welcome dish
Date 1623
Language English
Note Written around 1594
Weblink http://www.gutenberg.org/cache/epub/2239/pg2239-images.html


“Y'are sad signior Balthazar, pray God our cheer
May answer my good will, and your good welcom here Bal. I hold your dainties cheap sir, & your welcom deer
E.An. Oh signior Balthazar, either at flesh or fish,
A table full of welcome, makes scarce one dainty dish Bal. Good meat sir is co[m]mon that euery churle affords
Anti. And welcome more common, for thats nothing
but words Bal. Small cheere and great welcome, makes a merrie

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