Women weep for the dead; men avenge them!

 Alexandre Dumas, The Three Musketeers (1844). copy citation

Author Alexandre Dumas
Source The Three Musketeers
Topic revenge virility
Date 1844
Language English
Weblink http://www.gutenberg.org/files/1257/1257-h/1257-h.htm


“He tore himself from the arms of Porthos and Aramis, and threw himself like a madman on the corpse of his mistress.
Athos rose, walked toward his friend with a slow and solemn step, embraced him tenderly, and as he burst into violent sobs, he said to him with his noble and persuasive voice, «Friend, be a man! Women weep for the dead; men avenge them!»
«Oh, yes!» cried d'Artagnan, «yes! If it be to avenge her, I am ready to follow you.»
Athos profited by this moment of strength which the hope of vengeance restored to his unfortunate friend to make a sign to Porthos and Aramis to go and fetch the superior.” source
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