What others? I don't profess to be different from my kind. I'm consumed by the same wants and the same longings.
 Edith Wharton, The Age of Innocence (1920). copy citation

Author Edith Wharton
Source The Age of Innocence
Topic difference want
Date 1920
Language English
Weblink http://www.gutenberg.org/files/541/541-h/541-h.htm


“"Safer from loving me?"
Her profile did not stir, but he saw a tear overflow on her lashes and hang in a mesh of her veil.
"Safer from doing irreparable harm. Don't let us be like all the others!" she protested.
"What others? I don't profess to be different from my kind. I'm consumed by the same wants and the same longings."
She glanced at him with a kind of terror, and he saw a faint colour steal into her cheeks.
"Shall I—once come to you; and then go home?" she suddenly hazarded in a low clear voice.
The blood rushed to the young man's forehead.” source

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