Jane Austen quote about life from Emma - I do not think I can live without something of a musical society. I condition for nothing else; but without music, life would be a blank to me.
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I do not think I can live without something of a musical society. I condition for nothing else; but without music, life would be a blank to me.
 Jane Austen, Emma (1815). copy citation

Author Jane Austen
Source Emma
Topic life music blankness
Date 1815
Language English
Weblink http://www.gutenberg.org/files/158/158-h/158-h.htm


“I hoped I was perfectly equal to any sacrifice of that description. Certainly I had been accustomed to every luxury at Maple Grove; but I did assure him that two carriages were not necessary to my happiness, nor were spacious apartments. 'But,' said I, 'to be quite honest, I do not think I can live without something of a musical society. I condition for nothing else; but without music, life would be a blank to me.' »
«We cannot suppose,» said Emma, smiling, «that Mr. Elton would hesitate to assure you of there being a very musical society in Highbury; and I hope you will not find he has outstepped the truth more than may be pardoned, in consideration of the motive.»” source

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