Edith Wharton quote about life from The Age of Innocence - Voyez-vous, Monsieur, to be able to look life in the face: that's worth living in a garret for, isn't it?
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Voyez-vous, Monsieur, to be able to look life in the face: that's worth living in a garret for, isn't it?
 Edith Wharton, The Age of Innocence (1920). copy citation

Author Edith Wharton
Source The Age of Innocence
Topic life face worth
Date 1920
Language English
Weblink http://www.gutenberg.org/files/541/541-h/541-h.htm


“The air of ideas is the only air worth breathing. And so I have never regretted giving up either diplomacy or journalism—two different forms of the same self-abdication." He fixed his vivid eyes on Archer as he lit another cigarette. "Voyez-vous, Monsieur, to be able to look life in the face: that's worth living in a garret for, isn't it? But, after all, one must earn enough to pay for the garret; and I confess that to grow old as a private tutor—or a 'private' anything—is almost as chilling to the imagination as a second secretaryship at Bucharest.” source

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