I always hate to fool away a humorous thing on a person who has no perception of humor
 Mark Twain, A Tramp Abroad (1880). copy citation

Author Mark Twain
Source A Tramp Abroad
Topic humor perception
Date 1880
Language English
Weblink http://www.gutenberg.org/files/119/119-h/119-h.htm


“The code was in the way again. I proposed rifles; then double-barreled shotguns; then Colt’s navy revolvers. These being all rejected, I reflected awhile, and sarcastically suggested brickbats at three-quarters of a mile. I always hate to fool away a humorous thing on a person who has no perception of humor; and it filled me with bitterness when this man went soberly away to submit the last proposition to his principal. He came back presently and said his principal was charmed with the idea of brickbats at three-quarters of a mile, but must decline on account of the danger to disinterested parties passing between them.” source