you cannot select the man who is to take your life into his hands, you must take the worst in the lot, if it is his turn.
 Mark Twain, A Tramp Abroad (1880). copy citation

Author Mark Twain
Source A Tramp Abroad
Topic life
Date 1880
Language English


“Where it decides that a guide is necessary, you are forbidden to go without one. Neither are you allowed to be a victim of extortion: the law states what you are to pay. The guides serve in rotation; you cannot select the man who is to take your life into his hands, you must take the worst in the lot, if it is his turn. A guide’s fee ranges all the way up from a half-dollar (for some trifling excursion of a few rods) to twenty dollars, according to the distance traversed and the nature of the ground. A guide’s fee for taking a person to the summit of Mont Blanc and back, is twenty dollars—and he earns it.” source