A man who has traveled as much as I have, and seen as much of the world, sees it plain enough, but he can’t cure it, you know, so the best is to leave it and seek a sphere which is more in harmony with his tastes and culture.
 Mark Twain, A Tramp Abroad (1880). copy citation

Author Mark Twain
Source A Tramp Abroad
Topic travel harmony
Date 1880
Language English
Weblink http://www.gutenberg.org/files/119/119-h/119-h.htm


“She doesn’t know it, and you couldn’t convince her of it—so I say nothing when I’m there: where’s the use? Yes, Boston is very narrow, but she has such a good opinion of herself that she can’t see it. A man who has traveled as much as I have, and seen as much of the world, sees it plain enough, but he can’t cure it, you know, so the best is to leave it and seek a sphere which is more in harmony with his tastes and culture. I run across there, once a year, perhaps, when I have nothing important on hand, but I’m very soon back again. I spend my time in Europe. H. I see. You map out your plans and ... G.S. No, excuse me.” source