No opinion which openly recognizes the frailty of human nature is ever a popular opinion with mankind.
 Wilkie Collins, Armadale (1864). copy citation

Author Wilkie Collins
Source Armadale
Topic frailty mankind
Date 1864
Language English


“With that expression of opinion the station-master wheeled to the right, and intrenched himself impregnably in the stronghold of his own office. The citizens of Thorpe Ambrose looked at the closed door, and gravely shook their heads. Mr. Mack had disappointed them. No opinion which openly recognizes the frailty of human nature is ever a popular opinion with mankind. “It’s as good as saying that any of us might have married her if we had been Mr. Armadale’s age!” Such was the general impression on the minds of the conclave, when the meeting had been adjourned, and the members were leaving the station.” source