When a girl's failed everywhere else she tries India, where every man's pining for the sight of a white woman.
 George Orwell, Burmese Days (1934). copy citation

Author George Orwell
Source Burmese Days
Topic sight women
Date 1934
Language English
Weblink http://gutenberg.net.au/ebooks02/0200051.txt


“"Anything in trousers but nothing this side the altar"--that's their motto, every one of them. Why do you think the girl's come out here?' 'Why? I don't know. Because she wanted to, I suppose.' 'My good fool! She come out to lay her claws into a husband, of course. As if it wasn't well known! When a girl's failed everywhere else she tries India, where every man's pining for the sight of a white woman. The Indian marriage-market, they call it. Meat market it ought to be. Shiploads of 'em coming out every year like carcasses of frozen mutton, to be pawed over by nasty old bachelors like you. Cold storage.” source