There is a humility about genuine love that is rather horrible in some ways.
 George Orwell, Burmese Days (1934). copy citation

Author George Orwell
Source Burmese Days
Topic humility love
Date 1934
Language English


“Verrall, it was quite certain, would never marry Elizabeth; young men of Verrall's stamp do not marry penniless girls met casually at obscure Indian stations. He was only amusing himself with Elizabeth. Presently he would desert her, and she would return to him--to Flory. It was enough--it was far better
than he had hoped. There is a humility about genuine love that is rather horrible in some ways. U Po Kyin was furiously angry. The miserable riot had taken him unawares, so far as anything ever took him unawares, and it was like a handful of grit thrown into the machinery of his plans. The business of disgracing the doctor had got to be begun all over again.” source