It's not generous to cut a man dead after you've been kind to him, and then refuse even to tell him the reason.
 George Orwell, Burmese Days (1934). copy citation

Author George Orwell
Source Burmese Days
Topic reason
Date 1934
Language English


“I can't let everything end between us like this.' '"End between us"? There was nothing to end,' she said coldly. The vulgarity of this remark wounded him, and he said quickly: 'That wasn't like you, Elizabeth! It's not generous to cut a man dead after you've been kind to him, and then refuse even to tell him the reason. You might be straightforward with me. Please tell me what it is that I've done.' She gave him an oblique, bitter look, bitter not because of what he had done, but because he had made her speak of it.” source