Quote of the day
Chronicles, Volume One quotes
Bob Dylan
“Even if you don’t have all the things you want, be grateful for the things you don’t have that you don’t want.”
Bob Dylan
Chronicles, Volume One
“Morality has nothing in common with politics.”
Bob Dylan
Chronicles, Volume One
“There was a missing person inside of myself and I needed to find him.”
Bob Dylan
Chronicles, Volume One
“Sometimes you just have to bite your upper lip and put sunglasses on.”
Bob Dylan
Chronicles, Volume One
“After a while you learn that privacy is something you can sell, but you can’t buy it back.”
Bob Dylan
Chronicles, Volume One
“I wanted to read all these books, but I would have to have been in a rest home or something in order to do that.”
Bob Dylan
Chronicles, Volume One
“There’s only one day at a time here, then it’s tonight and then tomorrow will be today again.”
Bob Dylan
Chronicles, Volume One
“I didn’t have any of these dreams or thoughts but I was going to acquire them.”
Bob Dylan
Chronicles, Volume One
“What was the future? The future was a solid wall, not promising, not threatening — all bunk. No guarantees of anything, not even the guarantee that life isn’t one big joke.”
Bob Dylan
Chronicles, Volume One
“Some people seem to fade away but then when they are truly gone, it’s like they didn’t fade away at all.”
Bob Dylan
Chronicles, Volume One
“He said the worth of things can’t be measured by what they cost but by what they cost you to get it, that if anything costs you your faith or your family, then the price is too high and that there are some things that will never wear out.”
Bob Dylan
Chronicles, Volume One
“You can write a song anywhere, in a railroad compartment, on a boat, on horseback — it helps to be moving. Sometimes people who have the greatest talent for writing songs never write any because they are not moving.”
Bob Dylan
Chronicles, Volume One
“What did I owe the rest of the world? Nothing.”
Bob Dylan
Chronicles, Volume One
“You just don’t wake up one day and decide that you need to write songs, especially if you’re a singer who has plenty of them and you’re learning more every day.”
Bob Dylan
Chronicles, Volume One
“It wasn't money or love that I was looking for. I had a heightened sense of awareness, was set in my ways, impractical and a visionary to boot.”
Bob Dylan
Chronicles, Volume One
“Things grow at night. My imagination is available to me at night. All my preconceptions of things go away. Sometimes you could be looking for heaven in the wrong places. Sometimes it could be under your feet. Or in your bed.”
Bob Dylan
Chronicles, Volume One
“Folk songs are evasive — the truth about life, and life is more or less a lie, but then again that’s exactly the way we want it to be.”
Bob Dylan
Chronicles, Volume One
“I really was never any more than what I was — a folk musician who gazed into the gray mist with tear-blinded eyes and made up songs that floated in a luminous haze.”
Bob Dylan
Chronicles, Volume One
“New York was a city where you could be frozen to death in the midst of a busy street and nobody would notice.”
Bob Dylan
Chronicles, Volume One
“Not only that, my style was too erratic and hard to pigeonhole for the radio, and songs, to me, were more important than just light entertainment. They were my preceptor and guide into some altered consciousness of reality, some different...”
Bob Dylan
Chronicles, Volume One
“If anything, I wanted to understand things and then be free of them.”
Bob Dylan
Chronicles, Volume One
“You might be able to put it all into one paragraph or into one verse of a song if you could get it right.”
Bob Dylan
Chronicles, Volume One
“America was changing. I had a feeling of destiny and I was riding the changes.”
Bob Dylan
Chronicles, Volume One
“James Joyce seemed like the most arrogant man who ever lived, had both his eyes wide open and great faculty of speech, but what he say, I knew not what.”
Bob Dylan
Chronicles, Volume One
“A song is like a dream, and you try to make it come true. They're like strange countries that you have to enter.”
Bob Dylan
Chronicles, Volume One
“The madly complicated modern world was something I took little interest in. It had no relevancy, no weight.”
Bob Dylan
Chronicles, Volume One
“My big fear was that my guitar would go out of tune.”
Bob Dylan
Chronicles, Volume One
“I'd come from a long ways off and had started from a long ways down. But now destiny was about to manifest itself.”
Bob Dylan
Chronicles, Volume One
“I felt like I might as well have been living in another part of the solar system.”
Bob Dylan
Chronicles, Volume One
“The dominant myth of the day seemed to be that anybody could do anything, even go to the moon. You could do whatever you wanted — in the ads and in the articles, ignore your limitations, defy them.”
Bob Dylan
Chronicles, Volume One
“Dostoyevsky . . . wrote stories to ward off his creditors. Just like in the early '70s I wrote albums to ward off mine.”
Bob Dylan
Chronicles, Volume One
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