A chap like me is incapable of looking like a gentleman.
 George Orwell, Coming Up for Air (1939). copy citation

Author George Orwell
Source Coming Up for Air
Topic gentleman
Date 1939
Language English
Weblink http://gutenberg.net.au/ebooks02/0200031.txt


“It seems to take all the bounce out of you, like when you suddenly discover in a public place that the sole of one of your shoes is coming off. I had no illusions about myself that morning. It was almost as if I could stand at a distance and watch myself coming down the road, with my fat, red face and my false teeth and my vulgar clothes. A chap like me is incapable of looking like a gentleman. Even if you saw me at two hundred yards' distance you'd know immediately--not, perhaps, that I was in the insurance business, but that I was some kind of tout or salesman. The clothes I was wearing were practically the uniform of the tribe.” source