Governmental laws and ordinances are blessings of God for this life only. As for everlasting life, temporal blessings are not good enough.
 Martin Luther, Commentary on the Epistle to the Galatians (1535). copy citation

Author Martin Luther
Source Commentary on the Epistle to the Galatians
Topic God life
Date 1535
Language English
Note Translated by Theodore Graebner


“When our opponents hear us repeat this statement of Paul, they make it appear as if we taught that governments should not be honored, as if we favored rebellion against the constituted authorities, as if we condemned all laws. Our opponents do us a great wrong, for we make a clear-cut distinction between civil and spiritual affairs.
Governmental laws and ordinances are blessings of God for this life only. As for everlasting life, temporal blessings are not good enough. Unbelievers enjoy more temporal blessings than the Christians. Civil or legal righteousness may be good enough for this life but not for the life hereafter. Otherwise the infidels would be nearer heaven than the Christians, for infidels often excel in civil righteousness.