I begin to think we can only get better by having people about us who raise good feelings.
 George Eliot, Daniel Deronda (1876). copy citation

Author George Eliot
Source Daniel Deronda
Topic feelings good
Date 1876
Language English
Weblink http://www.gutenberg.org/cache/epub/7469/pg7469-images.html


“He smiled at her.
"But one may feel things and are not able to do anything better for all that," said Gwendolen, not smiling in return—the distance to which Deronda's words seemed to throw her chilling her too much. I begin to think we can only get better by having people about us who raise good feelings. You must not be surprised at anything in me. I think it is too late for me to alter. I don't know how to set about being wise, as you told me to be."
"I seldom find I do any good by my preaching. I might as well have kept from meddling," said Deronda, thinking rather sadly that his interference about that unfortunate necklace might end in nothing but an added pain to him in seeing her after all hardened to another sort of gambling than roulette.