By barterers are meant peculators, of every description; all who traffic the interests of the public for their own private advantage.
 Dante Alighieri, Divine Comedy (1320). copy citation

Author Dante Alighieri
Source Divine Comedy
Topic description interest
Date 1320
Language English
Note Translanted by H. F. Cary


“One of Santa Zita's elders.] The elders or chief magistrates of Lucca, where Santa Zita was held in especial veneration. The name of this sinner is supposed to have been Martino Botaio.
v. 40. Except Bonturo, barterers.] This is said ironically of Bonturo de' Dati. By barterers are meant peculators, of every description; all who traffic the interests of the public for their own private advantage.
v. 48. Is other swimming than in Serchio's wave.] Qui si nuota altrimenti che nel Serchio. Serchio is the river that flows by Lucca. So Pulci, Morg. Mag. c. xxiv. Qui si nuota nel sangue, e non nel Serchio.” source