Nothing has ever been devised that puts less strain on the intelligence
 George Orwell, Keep the Aspidistra Flying (1936). copy citation

Author George Orwell
Source Keep the Aspidistra Flying
Topic intelligence
Date 1936
Language English


“Much of the time, when no customers came, he spent reading the yellow-jacketed trash that the library contained. Books of that type you could read at the rate of one an hour. And they were the kind of books that suited him nowadays. It is real ‘escape literature’, that stuff in the twopenny libraries. Nothing has ever been devised that puts less strain on the intelligence; even a film, by comparison, demands a certain effort. And so when a customer demanded a book of this category or that, whether it was ‘Sex’ or ‘Crime’ or ‘Wild West’ or ‘Romance’ (always with the accent on the o)” source