Money is the one thing you must never mention when you are with people richer than yourself.
 George Orwell, Keep the Aspidistra Flying (1936). copy citation

Author George Orwell
Source Keep the Aspidistra Flying
Topic money
Date 1936
Language English


“‘It’s the price of optimism. Give me five quid a week and I’d be a Socialist, I dare say.’ Ravelston looked away, discomfited. This money-business! Everywhere it came up against you! Gordon wished he had not said it. Money is the one thing you must never mention when you are with people richer than yourself. Or if you do, then it must be money in the abstract, money with a big ‘M’, not the actual concrete money that’s in your pocket and isn’t in mine. But the accursed subject drew him like a magnet. Sooner or later, especially when he had a few drinks inside him, he invariably began talking with self-pitiful detail about the bloodiness of life on two quid a week.” source