The difficult task of knowing another soul is not for young gentlemen whose consciousness is chiefly made up of their own wishes.
 George Eliot, Middlemarch (1872). copy citation

Author George Eliot
Source Middlemarch
Topic consciousness soul
Date 1872
Language English


“He saw plainly enough that the old man wanted to exercise his power by tormenting him a little, and also probably to get some satisfaction out of seeing him on unpleasant terms with Bulstrode. Fred fancied that he saw to the bottom of his uncle Featherstone’s soul, though in reality half what he saw there was no more than the reflex of his own inclinations. The difficult task of knowing another soul is not for young gentlemen whose consciousness is chiefly made up of their own wishes. Fred’s main point of debate with himself was, whether he should tell his father, or try to get through the affair without his father’s knowledge. It was probably Mrs. Waule who had been talking about him;” source