We have a common enemy. The government exploits you and despises us.
 Anatole France, Penguin Island (1908). copy citation

Author Anatole France
Source Penguin Island
Topic government despise
Date 1908
Language English
Weblink http://www.gutenberg.org/files/1930/1930-h/1930-h.htm


“Agaric showed extreme cleverness at this interview.
“ Gentlemen, ” said he, “ you and I have not, in most respects, the same political and social views, but there are points in which we may come to an understanding. We have a common enemy. The government exploits you and despises us. Help us to overthrow it; we will supply you with the means so far as we are able, and you can in addition count on our gratitude. ” “ Fork out the tin, ” said Dagobert.
The Reverend Father placed on the table a bag which the distiller of Conils had given him with tears in his eyes.