Extreme youth and extreme age hinder the mind, as also too much and too little education.
 Blaise Pascal, Pensées (1670). copy citation

Author Blaise Pascal
Source Pensées
Topic youth education
Date 1670
Language English
Note Translated by W. F. Trotter
Weblink http://www.gutenberg.org/files/18269/18269-h/18269-h.htm


“ubi multum antevenere, pro gratia odium redditur. [34] We feel neither extreme heat nor extreme cold. Excessive qualities are prejudicial to us and not perceptible by the senses; we do not feel but suffer them. Extreme youth and extreme age hinder the mind, as also too much and too little education. In short, extremes are for us as though they were not, and we are not within their notice. They escape us, or we them. This is our true state; this is what makes us incapable of certain knowledge and of absolute ignorance.” source