A person who is ignorant of legal matters is always liable to make mistakes when he tries to photograph a court scene with his pen
 Mark Twain, Pudd'nhead Wilson (1894). copy citation

Author Mark Twain
Source Pudd'nhead Wilson
Topic mistake scene
Date 1894
Language English
Weblink http://www.gutenberg.org/files/102/102-h/102-h.htm


“his character is about perfect, he is the choicest spirit among all the humbler animals, yet see what ridicule has brought him to. Instead of feeling complimented when we are called an ass, we are left in doubt.—Pudd’nhead Wilson’s Calendar. A person who is ignorant of legal matters is always liable to make mistakes when he tries to photograph a court scene with his pen; and so I was not willing to let the law chapters in this book go to press without first subjecting them to rigid and exhausting revision and correction by a trained barrister—if that is what they are called.” source