Quote of the day
Quotations from Chairman Mao Tse-tung quotes
Mao Zedong
“Weapons are an important factor in war, but not the decisive factor; it is people, not things, that are decisive. The contest of strength is not only a contest of military and economic power, but also a contest of human power and morale. Military...”
Mao Zedong
Quotations from Chairman Mao Tse-tung
“Political power grows out of the barrel of a gun.”
Mao Zedong
Quotations from Chairman Mao Tse-tung
“Letting a hundred flowers blossom and a hundred schools of thought contend is the policy for promoting the progress of the arts and the sciences and a flourishing socialist culture in our land.”
Mao Zedong
Quotations from Chairman Mao Tse-tung
“We are advocates of the abolition of war, we do not want war; but war can only be abolished through war, and in order to get rid of the gun it is necessary to take up the gun.”
Mao Zedong
Quotations from Chairman Mao Tse-tung
“The people, and the people alone, are the motive force in the making of world history.”
Mao Zedong
Quotations from Chairman Mao Tse-tung
“In times of difficulty we must not lose sight of our achievements, must see the bright future and must pluck up our courage.”
Mao Zedong
Quotations from Chairman Mao Tse-tung
“Not to have a correct political point of view is like having no soul.”
Mao Zedong
Quotations from Chairman Mao Tse-tung
“It can therefore be said that politics is war without bloodshed while war is politics with bloodshed.”
Mao Zedong
Quotations from Chairman Mao Tse-tung
“There is in fact no such thing as art for art's sake, art that stands above classes, art that is detached from or independent of politics.”
Mao Zedong
Quotations from Chairman Mao Tse-tung
“Enable every woman who can work to take her place on the labour front, under the principle of equal pay for equal work.”
Mao Zedong
Quotations from Chairman Mao Tse-tung
“A revolution is not a dinner party, or writing an essay, or painting a picture, or doing embroidery; it cannot be so refined, so leisurely and gentle, so temperate, kind, courteous, restrained and magnanimous. A revolution is an insurrection, an...”
Mao Zedong
Quotations from Chairman Mao Tse-tung
“If you want to know the taste of a pear, you must change the pear by eating it yourself.”
Mao Zedong
Quotations from Chairman Mao Tse-tung
“Complacency is the enemy of study. We cannot really learn anything until we rid ourselves of complacency.”
Mao Zedong
Quotations from Chairman Mao Tse-tung
“The atom bomb is a paper tiger which the U.S. reactionaries use to scare people. It looks terrible, but in fact it isn't. Of course, the atom bomb is a weapon of mass slaughter, but the outcome of a war is decided by the people, not by one or two...”
Mao Zedong
Quotations from Chairman Mao Tse-tung
“Political work is the life-blood of all economic work.”
Mao Zedong
Quotations from Chairman Mao Tse-tung
“We should support whatever the enemy opposes and oppose whatever the enemy supports.”
Mao Zedong
Quotations from Chairman Mao Tse-tung
“Classes struggle, some classes triumph, others are eliminated. Such is history, such is the history of civilization for thousands of years.”
Mao Zedong
Quotations from Chairman Mao Tse-tung
“It is not hard for one to do a bit of good. What is hard is to do good all one's life and never do anything bad”
Mao Zedong
Quotations from Chairman Mao Tse-tung
“There is a serious tendency towards capitalism among the well-to-do peasants.”
Mao Zedong
Quotations from Chairman Mao Tse-tung
“It is mainly because of the unorganized state of the Chinese masses that Japan dares to bully us.”
Mao Zedong
Quotations from Chairman Mao Tse-tung
“An army without culture is a dull-witted army, and a dull-witted army cannot defeat the enemy.”
Mao Zedong
Quotations from Chairman Mao Tse-tung
“Investigation may be likened to the long months of pregnancy, and solving a problem to the day of birth. To investigate a problem is, indeed, to solve it.”
Mao Zedong
Quotations from Chairman Mao Tse-tung
“As for criticism, do it in good time; don't get into the habit of criticizing only after the event.”
Mao Zedong
Quotations from Chairman Mao Tse-tung
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