Being is so poor a category that it is the least thing which can be shown to be found in the notion.
 Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel, Science of Logic (1816). copy citation

Author Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel
Source Science of Logic
Topic categories
Date 1816
Language English
Note Translated by William Wallace


“Thus in reference to Being and Essence the Notion is defined as Essence reverted to the simple immediacy of Being,—the shining or show of Essence thereby having actuality, and its actuality being at the same time a free shining or show in itself. In this manner the notion has being as its simple self-relation, or as the immediacy of its immanent unity. Being is so poor a category that it is the least thing which can be shown to be found in the notion. The passage from necessity to freedom, or from actuality into the notion, is the very hardest, because it proposes that independent actuality shall be thought as [Pg 285] having all its substantiality in the passing over and identity with the other independent actuality.” source