Government must never again use inflation to profit at the people's expense.
 Ronald Reagan, State of the Union Address (25 January 1984). copy citation

Author Ronald Reagan
Source State of the Union Address
Topic government profit
Date 25 January 1984
Language English


“Together, we passed the first across-the-board tax reduction for everyone since the Kennedy tax cuts. Next year, tax rates will be indexed so inflation can't push people into higher brackets when they get cost-of-living pay raises. Government must never again use inflation to profit at the people's expense. Today a working family earning $25,000 has $1,100 more in purchasing power than if tax and inflation rates were still at the 1980 levels. Real after-tax income increased 5 percent last year. And economic deregulation of key industries like transportation has offered more chances--or choices, I should say, to consumers and new changes--or chances for entrepreneurs and protecting safety.” source