Unemployment is an endless misery that has got to be constantly palliated, and especially with tea, the Englishman’s opium.
 George Orwell, The Road to Wigan Pier (1937). copy citation

Author George Orwell
Source The Road to Wigan Pier
Topic misery unemployment
Date 1937
Language English
Weblink http://gutenberg.net.au/ebooks02/0200391.txt


“That is how your mind works when you are at the PAC level. White bread-and-marg. and sugared tea don’t nourish you to any extent, but they are nicer (at least most people think so) than brown bread-and-dripping and cold water. Unemployment is an endless misery that has got to be constantly palliated, and especially with tea, the Englishman’s opium. A cup of tea or even an aspirin is much better as a temporary stimulant than a crust of brown bread. The results of all this are visible in a physical degeneracy which you can study directly, by using your eyes, or inferentially, by having a look at the vital statistics.” source