Disinterestedness not the differentia of aesthetic pleasure, 37 et seq.
 George Santayana, The Sense of Beauty Being the Outlines of Aesthetic Theory (1896). copy citation

Author George Santayana
Source The Sense of Beauty Being the Outlines of Aesthetic Theory
Topic aesthetics pleasure
Date 1896
Language English
Weblink http://www.gutenberg.org/files/26842/26842-h/26842-h.htm


“Criticism, Use of the word, 15.
Definite and indefinite, meaning of the terms, 138, note.
Degradation not what pleases in the comic, 247 et seq.
Democracy, aesthetics of it, 109
Descartes, 16, 183.
Disinterestedness not the differentia of aesthetic pleasure, 37 et seq. Don Quixote, 179, 255.
Economy and fitness, 214 et seq.
Emerson, 144.
Epicurean esthetics, 10, 11.
sublime, The, 241, 243.
Escurial, The, 95, 210.
Ethos, 174, 175.
Evil, life without it aesthetic, 29, 30.” source