Evolution is the law of life, and there is no evolution except towards Individualism.
 Oscar Wilde, The Soul of Man under Socialism (1891). copy citation

Author Oscar Wilde
Source The Soul of Man under Socialism
Topic evolution law
Date 1891
Language English
Weblink http://www.gutenberg.org/files/1017/1017-0.txt


“It knows that people are good when they are let alone. Man will develop Individualism out of himself. Man is now so developing Individualism. To ask whether Individualism is practical is like asking whether Evolution is practical. Evolution is the law of life, and there is no evolution except towards Individualism. Where this tendency is not expressed, it is a case of artificially-arrested growth, or of disease, or of death. Individualism will also be unselfish p. 80and unaffected. It has been pointed out that one of the results of the extraordinary tyranny of authority is that words are absolutely distorted from their proper and simple meaning, and are used to express the obverse of their right signification.” source