What is true about Art is true about Life. A man is called affected, nowadays, if he dresses as he likes to dress.
 Oscar Wilde, The Soul of Man under Socialism (1891). copy citation

Author Oscar Wilde
Source The Soul of Man under Socialism
Topic art dress
Date 1891
Language English
Weblink http://www.gutenberg.org/files/1017/1017-0.txt


“It has been pointed out that one of the results of the extraordinary tyranny of authority is that words are absolutely distorted from their proper and simple meaning, and are used to express the obverse of their right signification. What is true about Art is true about Life. A man is called affected, nowadays, if he dresses as he likes to dress. But in doing that he is acting in a perfectly natural manner. Affectation, in such matters, consists in dressing according to the views of one’s neighbour, whose views, as they are the views of the majority, will probably be extremely stupid.” source