Brilliant qualities of mind win admiration, but never affection
 Arthur Schopenhauer, The World as Will and Representation (1819). copy citation

Author Arthur Schopenhauer
Source The World as Will and Representation
Topic admiration affection
Date 1819
Language English
Note Translated by R. B. Haldane and J. Kemp


“and although somewhat modified in their expression, they very soon mutually recognise each other even in the most heterogeneous individuals, upon which the similarly disposed agree and the opposed are at enmity. Brilliant qualities of mind win admiration, but never affection; this is reserved for the moral, the qualities of the character. Every one will choose as his friend the honest, the good-natured, and even the agreeable, complaisant [pg 451] man, who easily concurs, rather than the merely able man.” source