If the father can't give him a good physique, if the mother has spent in chasing men the years in which she should have been preparing herself to educate her children, so much the worse for the child.
 F. Scott Fitzgerald, This Side of Paradise (1920). copy citation

Author F. Scott Fitzgerald
Source This Side of Paradise
Topic physique chase
Date 1920
Language English
Weblink http://www.gutenberg.org/files/805/805-h/805-h.htm


“Amory and the big man laughed; the little man laughed, too, after a pause.
“ Every child, ” said Amory, “ should have an equal start. If his father can endow him with a good physique and his mother with some common sense in his early education, that should be his heritage. If the father can't give him a good physique, if the mother has spent in chasing men the years in which she should have been preparing herself to educate her children, so much the worse for the child. He shouldn't be artificially bolstered up with money, sent to these horrible tutoring schools, dragged through college... Every boy ought to have an equal start. ” “ All right, ” said the big man, his goggles indicating neither approval nor objection.