If there be a single law governing the actions of men, free will cannot exist, for then man’s will is subject to that law.
 Leo Tolstoy, War and Peace (1869). copy citation

Author Leo Tolstoy
Source War and Peace
Topic action law
Date 1869
Language English
Note Translated by Louise and Aylmer Maude
Weblink http://www.gutenberg.org/files/2600/2600-h/2600-h.htm


“If in a thousand years even one man in a million could act freely, that is, as he chose, it is evident that one single free act of that man’s in violation of the laws governing human action would destroy the possibility of the existence of any laws for the whole of humanity. If there be a single law governing the actions of men, free will cannot exist, for then man’s will is subject to that law. In this contradiction lies the problem of free will, which from most ancient times has occupied the best human minds and from most ancient times has been presented in its whole tremendous significance.” source