To judge a man who is in disfavor and to throw on him all the blame of other men’s mistakes is very easy, but I maintain that if anything good has been accomplished in this reign it was done by him, by him alone.
 Leo Tolstoy, War and Peace (1869). copy citation

Author Leo Tolstoy
Source War and Peace
Topic mistake blame
Date 1869
Language English
Note Translated by Louise and Aylmer Maude


“The conversation was about Speránski—the news of whose sudden exile and alleged treachery had just reached Moscow.
“ Now he is censured and accused by all who were enthusiastic about him a month ago, ” “ and by those who were unable to understand his aims. To judge a man who is in disfavor and to throw on him all the blame of other men’s mistakes is very easy, but I maintain that if anything good has been accomplished in this reign it was done by him, by him alone. His face quivered and immediately assumed a vindictive expression.
“ Posterity will do him justice, ” he concluded, and at once turned to Pierre.
“ Well, how are you? Still getting stouter? ” he said with animation, but the new wrinkle on his forehead deepened.” source