When a woman loves you she's not satisfied until she possesses your soul. Because she's weak, she has a rage for domination, and nothing less will satisfy her.
 W. Somerset Maugham, The Moon and Sixpence (1919). copy citation

Author W. Somerset Maugham
Source The Moon and Sixpence
Topic love women satisfaction
Date 1919
Language English
Weblink http://www.gutenberg.org/files/222/222-h/222-h.htm


“I could not help laughing at this remark, made in all seriousness; but he went on, walking up and down the room like a caged beast, intent on expressing what he felt, but found such difficulty in putting coherently. "When a woman loves you she's not satisfied until she possesses your soul. Because she's weak, she has a rage for domination, and nothing less will satisfy her. She has a small mind, and she resents the abstract which she is unable to grasp. She is occupied with material things, and she is jealous of the ideal. The soul of man wanders through the uttermost regions of the universe, and she seeks to imprison it in the circle of her account-book.” source

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