I have often wished myself a beast, or a bird—anything, rather than a slave.
 Frederick Douglass, My Bondage and My Freedom (1855). copy citation

Author Frederick Douglass
Source My Bondage and My Freedom
Topic freedom slavery animal
Date 1855
Language English
Weblink http://www.gutenberg.org/files/202/202-h/202-h.htm


“As I writhed under the sting and torment of this knowledge, I almost envied my fellow slaves their stupid contentment. This knowledge opened my eyes to the horrible pit, and revealed the teeth of the frightful dragon that was ready to pounce upon me, but it opened no way for my escape. I have often wished myself a beast, or a bird—anything, rather than a slave. I was wretched and gloomy, beyond my ability to describe. I was too thoughtful to be happy. It was this everlasting thinking which distressed and tormented me; and yet there was no getting rid of the subject of my thoughts.” source

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